The Transformative Adaptation Journey
Under regional Transformative Adaptation Journeys, DesirMED will accelerate the adoption of multi-level and multi-actor-based portfolio of innovative solutions, prioritizing Nature-based Solutions.
In DesirMED, we enable conditions that support visioning, analysing, designing, testing, demonstrating, scaling, and mainstreaming, in accordance with EU frameworks for Climate Change Adaptation and environmental management. We encourage dialogues, peer-to-peer exchange and mutual learning among 8 Mediterranean Regions and across different geographical and policy contexts. In particular, DesirMED joins 5 Demonstrating Regions (DRs) that have already developed climate adaptation plans and 3 Replicating Regions (RRs) that are committed to their transformation, to test and implement innovations needed, to build climate resilience.
Insights and innovations from the DRs will guide and refine the structured transition journey co-designed with the RRs. Regional Transformative Adaptation Journeys will be developed by project partners from DRs in collaboration with scientific partners, building on existing plans or strategies, and harmonized across various policy areas and economic sectors.
Our approach enables systemic transformation processes to enhance the capabilities of local and regional community leaders and mainstream socially just innovative solutions at the core of their climate adaptation strategies, while leveraging co-benefits for ecosystems and biodiversity and strengthening local and regional resilience.
The key steps that regions will follow in their transformative journey ground on the steps lined out in the Regional Resilience Journey (RRJ) as reported in the Pathways2Resilience (P2R) EU project, integrated with the Regional Adaptation Support Tool (RAST) steps developed by the EU Mission Adaptation.
Key enabling conditions include: Finance and resources, Data and knowledge, Governance, engagement and collaboration, Capabilities and skills, Behavioral change.