Demonstrating Regions

DR5: Eastern Macedonia Thrace, Greece

Covering and area of 14.157 km² the Region consists of six Regional Districts and has a population of 569.664 inhabitants. The capital city of the Region is Komotini, its main urban centers are Alexandroupolis, Kavala, Drama, Xanthi and Orestiada. Main islands within the Region are Thassos and Samothrace.

Main economic activity: Agricultural production and Fisheries, Textile Industry, Food processing, Chemicals, Metaworking, Tourism, Transportation and Commerce.

Current climate impacts and vulnerabilities
The main climate impacts in the Region include forest fires, floods, and coastal erosion.

Dry periods were significantly increased during the period between 1984-2012, while wet periods were significantly decreased. Therefore, the significant deterioration in groundwater quantity observed the last 30 years in the wider research area can be attributed, not only to the intensification of the agricultural production, but also to the increase of agricultural droughts.

Transformation scenarios through DesirMED
Main intervention areas will focus on coastal and transition areas and the risks of water scarcity and flooding.

Testing of innovative NbS include

  • Water Saving Technologies, including precision irrigation and soil moisture sensors, based on a Region-wide study on Climate Change impact on droughts and water demand in agriculture
  • Site-specific studies of geotubes impact on coastal protection and NbS for flood adaptation
  • Site-specific study of Constructed Wetlands performance as a wastewater treatment system
Regional cluster:
  • DUTH - Democritus University of Thrace
  • REMTH - Region of East Macedonia and Thrace
  • RDF-EMT - Regional Development Fund of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace
  • PAGGAION -Municipality of Paggaion
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